Hanguro no Katsuyuu go Chuuo
Hagurosow |
Katsu has excellent character, which he gives to his offspring’s very well, he’s now in his prime time of his life.. Katsu is: Dutch, Belgium, Polish, Luxembourg’s, VDH and DCNH, Czech, Slowakian and International Champion. Europian Champion 2000 + Benelux Winner 2001. Katsu went at the Worldchampion show 29th May 2003 in Dortmund (Germany) WORLDCHAMPION 2003 + BOB, I’m soooo darn proud of him..J At the Bundessiegershow in Dortmund 18-10’03 he became BOS and got a new title: BUNDESSIEGER 2003. At our Amsterdam Winnershow 6-12-03 he got the title of WINNER ’03 and became BOB and took a 3th place in the group. Katsu also took the WINNER title again in 2005. At his age of 8 year he still likes to show and has won multiple breed wins from veteranclass, even 2 times a 2thBIS in Germany.
Some of his offspring’s who are doing very well at International levels are: Noven’s Sagasu no Katsu, this male is Swedish and Danish Champion, he even was Best in Show in Sweden. Mara-shimas Katsu go Benisakura ( our Bo) is the most winning female and with the most champion titles in Europe. Mara-shimas She’s Simply the Best ( Tattoi), she went from junior class BOS at the Bundessiegershow in Dortmund ’01 and got the tittle: Jugend Bundessiegerin ‘01 Mara-shimas Kazu-hime ( our Cilla) who went Junior Worldchampion ’02 + Bundessiegerin ’02, Cilla has finished her: Dutch, Luxembourgs, Polish, Slowakian, Czech and International Championships. Cilla lives now in America and is also American and Canadian champion.. Katsu has also champion offsprings in Spain, Poland, France and Czech. His grandchildren are on the showgrounds and doing very well, our Xena + Koki ( multi champions) and Mara-shimas Taka-Maru Ziggy , who is Dutch Champion as well. His hipscore is: HD-B ( OFA good), eyes and patella certified clear.