After our long trip from Hungary, Lia and I arrived at 6.30 mondaymorning in Amsterdam. After a coffee Lia left for the show and I went an hour later.

After searching for the ring it took another long search for our numbers, which were in a different hall! Hopefully next year this will be better organized?

There were 6 Shiba’s entered and the judge was Mr. Hugh Jones from England, a breeder himself from the Collies and a very kind man..

The CAC + CACIB + BOB went to our own Shingen.

The reserve cac + cacib by the males went to: No Nishiki Sandro Narmenak from T. van Dam (NL).

For Xena it was her first show and she did so well and I was very proud of her, she was the only female, but got excellent from the judge + her first dutch CAC point.

In the group Shingen took the 8th place.

We had a lot of fun and the GJD – Cas Cabernet from our friends Joop and Astrid Ouwerkerk got her CAC + CACIB + BOB and has finished her Dutch championship…my congratulations to Joop and Astrid and Cabby ofcourse