International show in Maastricht (NL) 27-9-03

On Saturday Jan was here with our GJD Target and she took reserve CAC, but full CACIB and this for her first show. I’m very proud of Target. I went on sunday for the Shibas, since the GJD is in group 2 and Shiba’s in group 5. There were 9 Shiba’s entered and the judge was Mrs. Ineke Zwaardman-Pinsters from the Netherlands.

Best male with CAC + CACIB went to our own Shingen, reserve male with reserve cac + cacib went to: Gnildur Pier Gent from Nigel and Sally Rudling. By the females our Cilla took best female with CAC + CACIB and BOB. The reserve cac went to: Kuroaka Yuukihime from Irma Jansen. Up to the Europiandogshow held on 3 October in Bratislava with naked dogs…We just wait and see..