Show results from the Europiandogshow held on 3-10-03 in Bratislava (SK)


Show results from the Europiandogshow held on 3-10-03 in Bratislava (SK)

As said before we left with all our dogs to this show, only Cilla stayed by Jacobine

We arrived thursday afternoon and after a good night sleep to the show. There was another judge, also for the Akita’s. There were 35 Shiba’s entered and the judge was: Mr. Masamitsu Fukushima from Japan.

Best pup went: Mara-shimas Beni-maru Shinzo

Our Shingen took CAC in open class and reserve CACIB, but with this CAC he has finished his Slowakian championship. Our Xena went Junior Europian Champion 2003 by the females. We didn’t stay for the specialty the next day, Jan had the flu and we went home, but it’s nice to say that the bl/t male: Mara-shimas Kuro Ryu Enzo went BEST IN SHOW at this specialty, my congratulations to the owner and perfect handler of Enzo Krisztina Illes from Hungary.

After this we are an experience richer, but need to confess that I don’t get a good vieuw how Japanese judges doing there judging, everytime it’s soooo different!!