Showresults from the Brussel Winnershow 13-12-03 in Belgium.

There were 11 Shiba’s entered and the judge was Dhr. Hans van den Berg from Holland. The title of Junior Belgian Winner ‘03 by the males went to: Mara-shimas Taka-Maru from Mariska Koolen from Holland. The title of Junior Belgian Winner’03 by the females went to: Kotomi Go Izumisou from Wim and Julia Kusters from Holland.

The title of Belgian Winner ’03 by the males + BOB went to our own Shingen. The title of Belgian Winner ’03 by the females went to our own Xena.

This show is the same as our Winnershow in Amsterdam, double points to win + the title on the pedigree. It was for Xena her first Belgium points, but Shingen has already 4 points and I can finish his Belgium championship in April ’04.