Showresults from our Christmasshow in Wijchen (NL) 22-12-03

This show is our last show of the year, a very nice show, which I always enjoy to go to.

It was an important show for me, because my Cilla could finish her Dutch championship there.

There were 6 Shiba’s entered and the judge was Mrs. Erna Upmeijer from the Netherlands. The Shiba is a breed she likes to judge with a lot of pleasure. Best male with the CAC + CACIB and Best of breed went our own Shingen. Best female with CAC + CACIB went our own Cilla, so she is now a Dutch Champion.

In the puppygroup the bl/t Shiba female: Karoichi from Gerda Verspuy took a group 3, my congratulations for this nice result.

In the group 5 the judge supposed to be Dhr. R. Hubental from Norway, but the judge Erna Upmeijer did the group and she gave Shingen a group 2 and we all enjoyed this very much.

Tired, but very happy we went home and our next Dutch show will be in Eindhoven 30 January ’04.

A very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2004.

Doeiiii Wilma